Soil and Foliar Application of Zn and Fe Impact on Growth, Grain Yield and Seed Quality of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

S. K. Ugile *

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Collage of Agriculture, Badnapur, Maharashtra, India.

A. A. Chaudhari

Collage of Agriculture, Badnapur, India.

P. G. Chavan

Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Parbhani 431 402, Maharashtra India.

S. S. Mane

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Collage of Agriculture, Badnapur, Maharashtra, India.

Arghyadeep Satpathy

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Collage of Agriculture, Badnapur, Maharashtra, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was conducted in kharif season of 2021-22 at Village Nuapur, Tal. Sadar, Dist.Balasore, (Odisha) through Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry College of Agriculture, Badnapur, VNMKV, Parbhani, with an objective to study the Soil and foliar application of zinc and iron impact on growth, grain yield and seed quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.).The treatment were tested in  Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 4 replications i.e., T1-RDF, T2-RDF+Nano Zn(0.5% foliar spray at 30 DAS ) , T3-RDF+Nano Fe (0.5% foliar spray at 30 DAS) , T4-RDF + Nano Fe+Nano Zn(0.5% foliar spray at 30 DAS) , T5- RDF + ZnSO4 (25 kg ha-1 soil application),T6-RDF+FeSO4(25 kg ha-1 soil application), T7-RDF+ZnSO4+FeSO4(25 kg ha-1 soil application).The result emerged out clearly indicated the significantly higher plant height (128.2 cm) was noted at harvest stage with treatment T7: RDF+ZnSO4+FeSO4 (25 kg ha-1 soil application) among all treatments. Significantly higher number of tillers plants-1 (16.5), effective tillers per square meter (337), panicle length (31.2cm) and number of grains per panicle (188) maximum grain and straw yield of rice (47.9 and 62.5 q ha-1)  at harvest stage were recorded in T4 : RDF+ Nano Fe + Nano Zn (0.5%foliar spray at 30 DAS. In grain quality the maximum test weight (24.2g), highest starch content (86.4%) was obtained with treatment T4: RDF + Nano Fe + Nano  Zn(0.5%foliar spray at 30 DAS).

Keywords: Zinc, iron, rice, foliar application, 0.5 %, yield, quality

How to Cite

Ugile , S. K., Chaudhari , A. A., Chavan , P. G., Mane , S. S., & Satpathy , A. (2024). Soil and Foliar Application of Zn and Fe Impact on Growth, Grain Yield and Seed Quality of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 10(2), 110–117.


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