Effect of Continuous Long-term Tea Cultivation in Water Quality index under Deep, Fine Loamy, Very Deep, Course Loamy and Very Deep, Fine Loamy Well Drained Soil
Nandita Baruah *
Department of Soil Science, BNCA, Assam Agricultural University, India.
Binoy Kr. Medhi
Department of Soil Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, India.
Jayanta Kalita
All India Coordinated Research Project on Dryland Agriculture, BNCA, India.
Palakshi Borah
Department of Soil Science, BNCA, Assam Agricultural University, India.
Bikram Borkotoki
All India Coordinated Research Project on Dryland Agriculture, BNCA, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
For this investigation, three different types of soil were chosen: very deep, coarse loamy, well-drained soil; deep, fine loamy, well-drained soil; and deep, coarse loamy, well-drained soil. Ten water samples were taken from the ring well, ponds, drains, and existing shallow tube wells (hand and mark tube wells) for each category of soil types. The minimal dada set, which include all variables, was chosen on the basis of the significant correlation discovered by correlation analysis. Very deep, coarse loamy, well-drained soil had the lowest water quality index (10.34), whereas very deep, fine loamy, well-drained soil had the highest (15.38).
Keywords: Water quality index, agricultural activity, aquatic biodiversity, urbanization